Ayrshire Breeders' Society of South Africa

           (051) 446 3129      olene@ayrshire.co.za

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Woolworths Ayrshire Farms and Products

Back in 1987, we began a quest to find the very best tasting milk in South Africa. We tasted and tested milk from a number of different dairy breeds, and asked customers, through a series of impartial surveys, to help us choose the milk they thought tasted the best.

The winner, hands-down, was Ayrshire, a breed of cow originally bred in the County of Ayr, in Scotland, during the 17th Century and first brought to South Africa in 1890. As it turned out, our customers were impressed by its quality, and by what they described as Ayrshire milk’s delicious flavour and creamy mouth feel. And so Woolworths exclusive Ayrshire milk was born.

Today, more than two decades later, we’re proud to be the only retailer to offer not only Ayrshire milk, but a whole host of really delicious Ayrshire dairy products, including yoghurt, butter, cheese. We’re also proud of the excellent relationship we have with our Ayrshire dairy farmers around the country. Like us, they believe that Ayrshire is something special, and they’re completely dedicated to following the best practices in caring for their herds, making sure they’re relaxed and healthy, because contented cows produce high quality milk.

Today, more than two decades later, we’re proud to be the only retailer to offer not only Ayrshire milk, but a whole host of really delicious Ayrshire dairy products, including yoghurt, butter, cheese. We’re also proud of the excellent relationship we have with our Ayrshire dairy farmers around the country. Like us, they believe that Ayrshire is something special, and they’re completely dedicated to following the best practices in caring for their herds, making sure they’re relaxed and healthy, because contented cows produce high quality milk.

If you haven’t tried our Ayrshire milk and other dairy products yet, why not do so today? Like our customers back in 1987, we think you’ll be impressed by their deliciously creamier taste!

Unit 7 Genuis Locci Office Park  •  6 CP Hoogenhout Street  •  Langenhovenpark  •  Bloemfontein           (051) 446 3129      olene@ayrshire.co.za
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